Hessonite (Gomed)

$120.00 $114.00

Origin of Gemstone – (Ceylon Mines) Sri Lanka
Carat Weight – 4.87 Ct
Approx Dimensions – 12.85mm/8.58mm/5.19mm
Shape /Cut- Oval Mixed Cut
Color – Brown
Treatments – None
Astrologically- Very Effective

  • IGLI Certified Hessonite (Gomed) Gemstone is an orange-brown semi-precious gemstone that is greatly significant for the Astrology purposes. It offers an excellent assistance for solving different blood deficiency diseases as Gomed stimulates bloodstream and pituitary gland that is quite important for relieving arthritis pain and rheumatism.

    Gomed stone is related with the planet Rahu and any gemstone for Rahu should be worn only after a proper Astrological analysis. Astrologists suggest this stone after proper analysis of your horoscope and the position of planets in different houses of your natal chart. The stone is highly influential for bestowing wealth, power, success, fame, good health, spirituality and hence it is apt for rejuvenating one’s body and soul.

     Some Noticeable benefits of Hessonite or Gomed Gemstone:

    • Hessonite or Gomed represents the planet Rahu. Wearing a Gomed stone can bring unprecedented professional success, power and good health and removes psychological stress.
    • Hessonite gemstone benefits most people in the Technology sector, I.T sector, and people in politics and bureaucracy, etc.
    • Hessonite strengthens the planet Rahu. People who have a strong positioning of Rahu in their horoscope have great analytical, computational and quick decision making skills and can turn unfavorable situations to their advantage.
    • Rahu or Raahu is a malefic planet and if placed at a weak position in the Kundali (birth chart) creates confusion, indecision, hesitation and uncertainty in life. Wearing Gomed gemstone brings clarity to thoughts and removes mental pressure.
    • Medically, Hessonite is said to provide immunity and expedite the recovery of its wearer. People who have a weak Rahu do not recover easily from ailments and do not respond well to medicines. This malefic effect of Raahu changes after wearing a Hessonite gemstone.
    • Specifically, it is said to help in conditions of Hemorrhoids, sinus, Palpitation, fatigue, clumsiness, and intestinal issues
    • It represents the planet Rahu and by wearing this, you can ensure unprecedented professional success, good health, power, removal of medical and psychological stresses for yourself and so on.
    • Gomed combats problems related to depression and lethargy. It helps you by stimulating the spleen properly. It is significant in curing fever and protects you from impure thoughts.
    • Hessonite or Gomed gemstone favors wearer in the Technology sector, bureaucracy and politics.
    • Hessonite also strengthens Rahu and individuals who have a strong positioning of Rahu in their horoscope comprise good intelligence regarding analytical, decision making or computation fields.
    • Rahu is known as the most malefic planets and if its positioning is weak in natal chart then it may cause confusion, hesitation, indecision, uncertainty and other related problems. Gomed gemstone provides clarity in your life by aptly channelizing positivity in your life.
    • Hessonite is also quite effective in providing immunity and it accelerates recovery process of wearer. Weak Rahu individual suffers a lot and they do not recover easily from their ailments as they don’t respond to medicines. Such malefic effects of Rahu can be powerfully changed by Hessonite or Gomed gemstones of Astrovedicgems.com.
    • Hessonite is quite helpful in conditions of Sinus, Hemorrhoids, Palpitation, Clumsiness, Fatigue, or different intestinal issues
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