20 Mukhi Rudraksha

$9,000.00 $8,900.00

Type of Rudraksha – 20 Mukhi
Shape of Rudraksha – Oval Bead
Artificial Faces – None
Dimensions – N/A
Origin of Rudraksha – Nepal
Treatment of Rudraksha – (None) 100% Natural
Astrologically: Very Effective


  • Twenty Mukhi Rudraksha belongs to Lord Brahma and it enriches its wearers with knowledge and wisdom in the most spiritual manner. It provides its wearers the necessary amount of energy required for living enthusiastic and blissful. As it is associated with Lord Brahma, it channelizes the power  of creation into its wearer and hence it is preferred by creative people. Additionally, it is also highly suitable for businessmen, pubic administrator, servicemen, homemakers and others who wish to start any new endeavor. It is connected with the energies of nine planets and trinity that let wearer lead a happy and healthy life beyond regular miseries. It heals in problems like deafness and eye sight issues due to its highly effective physical and spiritual healing powers. It is important for solving visual defects and mental disabilities. Energy of intelligence and creativity lets wearer be immensely ebullience and adept in all his efforts. It is very significant in nullifying all the negative energies and it is advised for diminishing effects of snake bites.

    Some amazing benefits and characteristics of Twenty Mukhi Rudraksha are:

    • It is very powerful that helps wearer live a life free from all negative forces and hence it fulfills all the desires of wearer
    • Twenty Mukhi Rudraksha includes power of trinity i.e. Lord Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva that channelize healing energy in its wearer. Additionally, it also includes power of all directions and planets
    • It is considered highly beneficial for Spiritual Stability of its wearer. It also lets wearer enjoy a life full of highs and social recognition
    • It provides mental peace to its wearer and nullifies all types of negativities that may come in the path of success of wearer, and hence it lets wearer reach up to success into the most guaranteed manner
    • Therapeutic benefits of Twenty Mukhi Rudraksha include curing of Austin, paralysis, knee pain, arthritis sorts of diseases
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